Taking Stock / 2
Cooking: (or heating up) lots of leftovers.
Drinking: lots of Malbec.
Reading: A Winkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle (aloud... to my students).
Wanting: a day without students so I can get myself organized and catch up on my work... please?
Looking: forward to my 4 day weekend at the beginning of October!!
Playing: Apples to Apples Junior (teacher life).
Wasting: away from the stress of the school year (just kidding.. kind of).
Wishing: that I could rewind this weekend and relive my momma's surprise party. And that I could spend every weekend with my family.
Enjoying: spending time with Britt and Dan, in their apartment only one floor up!
Waiting: to spend the weekend wine touring for Allie's birthday!
Opening: packages filled with fall clothes!
Giggling: at this crazy TV show!
Liking: the show, "Dating Naked" because my guilty pleasure is trashy TV. If yours is too, I highly recommend this show.
Wondering: what compels someone to go on a naked dating show.
Loving: the busy weekend I have planned ahead.
Hoping: that my school year runs productively and smoothly.
Marveling: at my student's abilities.
Opening: packages filled with fall clothes!
Needing: a day to sleep in!
Smelling: the watermelon we just devoured.
Bookmarking: all teacher stuff.
Wearing: Britty's t-shirt.
Following: Melissa Cole, a favorite blogger of mine.
Noticing: how lucky I am to have this life.
Knowing: that the silent disco tomorrow is going to be... epic.
Thinking: that I really should be sleeping, and that I'll regret this tomorrow, but sometimes you just have to stay up late on a school night watching TV with your friends.
Feeling: tired, and happy.
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